Skip to contentThose unsightly clusters of red, blue, and purple veins commonly found on your legs, feet, and elsewhere on the body can be very annoying. Laser spider vein treatment is a very nice and safe way to get rid of them. The spider vein treatment procedure directs a light beam on the veins to seal them off and successfully dissolve them. Safe and efficient, you do not have to worry about damaging any of the surrounding tissue as the wavelength of the laser is targeted specifically to the pigment in the blood. One of the benefits of this procedure is that it is relatively pain-free. Your technician will direct pulses of light energy directly on the spider veins, which may cause a tingling sensation. She will then use a chilled handpiece to cool the skin while the laser is penetrating the veins. Generally, the entire process lasts no more than 20 minutes.
If spider veins on your legs, feet, face, or anywhere else on the body are causing you to feel self-conscious, you may be a perfect candidate for spider vein treatment. However, keep in mind that this treatment does not treat varicose veins – the larger, more painful veins typically found in the legs. If you have varicose veins, you should discuss other options with your doctor.
Our patients are thrilled with their results following vein treatment. Full results are typically evident within four to six weeks after the treatment, multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve the best results, depending on the size and number of veins in the treatment area.
The price varies on the area to be treated. Vein removal can take several treatments and each treatment is priced based on time. The basic treatment is $199.00 for 15 minutes. As always, we recommend that you make an appointment for a free consultation to determine how many treatments you may need.